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Aircraft Weathering Magazine No.7 "INTERIORS"

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Englischsprachiges Modellbau Fachmagazin, das sich auf Themen der Bemalung und Alterung von Flugzeugen spezialisiert hat. Dabei sollen alle Aspekte zum Erreichen eines bestimmten Effekts detailliert beschrieben und gezeigt werden damit diese erlernt und nachgemacht werden können.
Diese Effekte werden anhand von diversen Modellen gezeigt!

68 Seiten, Englisch

Introducing The Weathering Aircraft, your publication of choice focused on painting and weathering techniques for aircraft models, launches its seventh issue. We should not overlook interiors, so we have decided to show you how to paint and weather cockpits, wheel and electronics bays, and radio compartments. Contrary to what many people believe, interiors generally do not sport many bright colored parts, so we will have to learn which appropriate colors to use. As you might expect, these areas also show a fair amount of weathering effects, just as the rest of the aircraft, so we will see how to match the interiors to the finish of the exterior surfaces using different weathering techniques. We have selected various subjects as examples, ranging from WWI airplanes to spaceships, all clearly explained through detailed step by step articles by some of the finest modelers in the world.
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