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Versand 1 - 2 Tage
170 + Seiten Softcover
- englische Sprache

More than 170 pages including hundreds of step by step photos.    18,00€
The effects of rust and oxidation in its many forms are increasingly popular with modellers of all subjects and scales. Because of the appearance of rust is infinitely varied based on materials and environment, modellers often misunderstand and misinterpret rust, leading to unattractive and unrealistic models. This book removes any doubts the modeller may have by clearly familiarizing the reader with various types of rust and the techniques used to create dynamic and realistic oxidation effects. The author Jari Hamillä has dedicated many years to studying the effects of rust and how to accurately represent realistic oxidation, his passion and dedication to the subject will reward each reader with new ideas, tools, and innovative techniques.
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