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Der AIRVIPER, eine neue Airbrush, mit dem Modellbauer feine Details und Präzisionsarbeiten mühelos ausführen können. Die 0,2 mm Düsen- / Nadel-Kombination ermöglicht das Sprühen von extrem feinen Linien mit vollständiger Kontrolle.
Speziell für den Modellbauer entwickelt.
Für alle gängigen Modellbaufarben geeignet.

The AIRVIPER, a new airbrush that will allow modelers to perform fine detail and precision work with ease. The 0.2mm nozzle/needle combination make it possible to spray extremely fine lines with complete control.

This result is a versatile tool with durability to last a lifetime. It is not only tough, solid, and effective, but also light weight providing the highest level of performance. In addition to this, we also gave it an inspiring slender and aggressive look. This is how your new airbrush was born. This airbrush will allow you to work with any type of paint including acrylics, enamels, inks, watercolors, lacquers, urethane, primers, varnishes, food coloring, and cosmetics among other mediums –and apply them with unparalleled precision. We recommend using with an air pressure ranging between 10-20 psi or 1-1.4 bar.

It's time to set yourself apart from the crowd, to experience the joy of handling a modeler designed airbrush, the AIRVIPER manufactured in the United States, with 100% American materials and designed by decades of experience.

The AIRVIPER has been designed especially for modelers. It incorporates all the necessary features to perform a variety of tasks with the great precision required by today´s modelers:
Gravity Feed Double Action Airbrush

    0,2mm nozzle. 1,8 ml (1/16 oz.) paint cup.
    PTFE (Teflon) O-Rings
    Long life material components
    Controllable Spray Pattern Range: Technical Pencil Line 0.4 mm to 4.5 cm (.015" to 1.75")
    Atomization scale: ~90 micron
    Comfortable Trigger
    Fine Reversible Spear Tip Guarded Air Cap for better airbrush performance and easier cleaning while in use
    EasySet Trigger Range Adjustment
    Air Hose Connection Size: 1/8
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* Preisangaben zzgl. Versandkosten
² Ursprünglicher Preis des Händlers
³ Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung des Herstellers