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A-STAND Hot Metal Sepia - 30ml Enamel Paint f. air

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A-Stand paints are high-quality lacquer products specially formulated for airbrush use, they are not to be applied with a brush. The different lines include durable primers, a wide range of metallic colours, transparent colours with a gloss finish, and Candy colours with vivid and vibrant tones. The A-Stand product series also includes durable matt, satin and gloss varnish finishes and Aqua Gloss acrylic varnish, each of which can be applied over any type of paint. A specific A-Stand thinner is also included, suitable for all products except Aqua Gloss acrylic varnish which can be diluted with water. All the lines share the same formulation, so they can be mixed together to create endless different colours and tones without compatibility issues.
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