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Stryker M1126 CROWS-J

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The Stryker family of eight-wheeled armored combat vehicles are produced for the US Army in

After the Crimean crisis in 2014, the 2nd Calvery Regiment of the United States Army Europe/Africa requested that the M1126 Stryker's anti-tank capability be increased. The FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile was then installed in the CROWS-II (Raytheon Common Remote Weapon Station) of the M1126.
This improved the Stryker's ability to defend against third-generation main battle tanks.

FGM-148 Javelin anti-tank missile system from new molds
turned metal FGM-148 missile body with photo-etched tail fins.
photo-etched parts.
vinyl tires
All doors and hatches can be displayed in open or closed.
The cable cutter can be positioned in the folded or unfolded position.

plastic kit

1:35 scale

unbuilt / unpainted

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² Original price of the dealer
³ Suggested retail price