Sukhoi SU-17 M3/M4 Fitter
scale 1:48
External stores include:
2 x R-73 (NATO: AA-11 Archer)
4 x R-60 (NATO: AA-8 Aphid)
2 x Kh-23 (NATO: AS-7 Kerry)
2 x APU-60-2 R-60 twin-rail launchers
2 x BETAB-500 Bombs
2 x BETAB-500-ZD
2 x RBK-500-250 Bombs
2 x FAB-500-M54 Bombs
2 x OFAB-250-SZN Bombs
4 x FAB-250-M54 Bombs
4 x FAB-250-M62 Bombs
4 x F2B-250-TS Bombs
4 x SAB-100 Bombs
2 x B-13 Rocket Pods
2 x S-24 Rockets
2 x S-25L Rockets
2 x B-8M Rocket Pods
2 x UB-32-57 Rocket Pods
2 x SPPU-22 Downward Firing Gun Pods
2 x UBK-23 Gun Pods
2 x SPS-141 EW Pods
2 x External Fuel Tanks
1 x KKR-1T Reconnaissance Pod
The kit provides markings for seven subjects plus a set of airframe stencils:
Su-17M3R, Bort 01, 313 ORAP, Soviet AF, Bagram AB, Afghanistan, 1988
Su-17M4, Bort 40, 43 OMShAE, Russian Black Sea Fleet, Crimea, 1998
Su-17M4, Bort 23, 274 APIB, Soviet AF, Afghanistan, 1988
Su-17M3, Bort 95, Soviet AF
Su-17M4R, Bort 07, 886 ORAP, 15 VA, Soviet AF, Afghanistan
Su-17M3, Bort 50, Soviet AF
Su-17M4, Bort 50, Ukrainian AF
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